Foreign Countries Who Receive Welfare from U.S. Taxpayers


what the fuck you lookin at?
None of that also takes into account the money we are probably secretly funneling into certain places around the world either.
man this isn't a neocon thing, or a republican/democrat thing.
Its a government out of control thing.
It shows that theres something bigger pulling the strings.
I do agree its not good, actually disgusting., but this and the huge amount illegal immigration are 2 different things no?
The Illegal immigration problem is not only about the cost.

This is a particularly logical point. I don't see how illegal immigration even figures into this argument.

Must be something about bleeding heart's that they just have to make obscure observations and comparisons that don't add up.

Oh well NeoCon away Hellraiser.:wave2:
Success??? It equated to over $20,000 per car... you think that was successful use of money we don't have?

I notice that you love to point out some blunders that occurred under Bush without dealing with the real issue... the issue is that the Feds waste trillions on things they shouldn't even be doing in the first place. A few billion in foreign aid a year is chump change compare to the fraud in the Medicare program alone... which is estimated at anywhere between $20-80 billion... they aren't sure because like so many things Washington does, they don't really keep track of the money, and therefore they aren't sure where it went. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but Medicare is EXACTLY what our gov't should be doing with tax dollars. The only problem is that Medicare only serves people 65+. It would be wiser if we simply opened it up to every American Citizen and dealt honestly with funding it AND managing it. I have no problems spending a Billion Dollars on a Medicare Fraud Task Force that roots out fraud.

Warmongering is NOT what we should be doing with our money. If I use your accounting methods for cost analysis of how many bad guys we've captured in "The War on Terror" with how many Trillions we've committed to that boondoggle (short term and long term) would it surprise you that it will have cost US tax payers around $5 billion per captured terrorist:rolleyes:

still no one has answered my question...
I did. We give money to countries to allow our Businesses to operate in them.
Foreign Aid is actually mostly corporate welfare. Typically the money is spent here in the USA and the goods are shipped overseas. Here’s how it works. The US decided to give food aid to a country. The food is purchased from a US corporate farm and then shipped to the countries by corporate US ships. Machinery and equipment is made in the USA and shipped overseas. The money and profits stays in the USA and is a major opportunity for corporate lobbyist. The USA only does things that are profitable to domestic interest and we get kudos for being so kind. The actually cash given to foreign countries is the exception not the rule. All hail the almighty dollar, the unofficial religion of America
why the fuck are we paying welfare to other countries???

It is the price for being the most powerful Nation in the World. it is also a way to keep places like the Middle East from uniting and wiping the U.S. and its Western World Allies (Like Australia) from the face of the Earth.


While NeoCons distract the country by bitching, crying and whining about the cost of illegal immigration which is really a drop in the bucket when we take a look and compare it to the welfare the U.S. provides to other countries while we're left holding the bill and being foreclosed and denied medical care by our health insurers and their NeoCon puppet allies:

Here are the top 15 recipients of U.S. foreign aid for 2001:

12. Serbia 0.10 Billion

That's sarcasm :crash:

Will E Worm

man this isn't a neocon thing, or a republican/democrat thing.
Its a government out of control thing.
It shows that theres something bigger pulling the strings.
I do agree its not good, actually disgusting., but this and the huge amount illegal immigration are 2 different things no?
The Illegal immigration problem is not only about the cost.

It's Hope and change you can believe in.

Obama :thefinger

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Personally I would love to see America cut off Isreal, just to see how long before they realize the only reason the have the best toys in the Middle East is because their rich father is the one who buys them.

Israel is the one country that gets money from us BY LAW. There came a time when even my dad cut me off. But the good Democrats and Republicans, who believe in Zionism more than what's in the best interest of their own nation, made sure that Israel could stay fastened onto the teat of the American taxpayer forever more. The Cranston Amendment: "the U.S. will provide Israel with economic assistance not less than the amount Israel owes the United States in annual debt service payments." :wtf:

Kinda hard to be late on a payment when "the bank" is obligated to always let you borrow at least enough to make the next payment, huh?! Also, we pay Israel interest on any money which has been approved, but not yet put in their accounts. In other words, it's like BofA approves a loan for me and I get interest on it, but since it's not in my account yet, I don't have to PAY interest. Go to your local bank and ask for that deal and see what happens. I asked my banker if he could do that for me. He said sure, but then we'd both go to jail.

I've got nothing against Israel or the people who live there. But I don't own land there, and their problems are not necessarily my problems. And I do resent the guilt trip they tend to lay on the world when they don't get things the way they want. As this is a topic I've argued for many years, I also resent the tendency of SOME people to equate an opposition to Zionism with anti-Semitism. That's a convenient tactic that is used to muddy the waters and kill any rational debate.

And if you count ALL that Israel gets, not just direct aid, but also grants and loan guarantees, it's a HELL of a lot more than a couple of billion$/year. But whether it's Israel (I just use them since they're the worst example of this International Welfare Program) or some other beggar country, I am opposed to MOST all foreign aid, especially when the U.S. no longer has a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. :crash:

Will E Worm

Israel could stay fastened onto the teat of the American taxpayer forever more.

That has to be stopped.

In other words, it's like BofA approves a loan for me and I get interest on it, but since it's not in my account yet, I don't have to PAY interest. Go to your local bank and ask for that deal and see what happens. I asked my banker if he could do that for me. He said sure, but then we'd both go to jail.

Talk about corruption and treason. That has to be stopped as well.

I also resent the tendency of SOME people to equate an opposition to Zionism with anti-Semitism. That's a convenient tactic that is used to muddy the waters and kill any rational debate.

I agree, it's not anti-Semitism to say Zionism is wrong and treason against America. It's also not anti-Semitism to talk about Jews.

Look at what Larry David did on the latest episode of Curb your Enthusiasm.

What if another show had someone pee in a menorah or on a dreidel?

Yet, these so-called Christians said nothing. Bow down to a Christ rejecting Jew.:rolleyes:

Not to mention sending them money to build a temple. :crash:
That has to be stopped.

Talk about corruption and treason. That has to be stopped as well.

I agree, it's not anti-Semitism to say Zionism is wrong and treason against America. It's also not anti-Semitism to talk about Jews.

Look at what Larry David did on the latest episode of Curb your Enthusiasm.

What if another show had someone pee in a menorah or on a dreidel?

Yet, these so-called Christians said nothing. Bow down to a Christ rejecting Jew.:rolleyes:

Not to mention sending them money to build a temple. :crash:

Religion aside, "Anti-Semitism" was a dumb word to begin with and now it has no meaning.

First of all, Arabs are Semites. So "anti-Semitic" Saudi or Jordanian Muslims, for example, would refer to either anti-Jews or self-hating Arabs.

Second, you're exactly right. One's stance on Zionism has nothing to do with your view of Jews or Judaism. Last week, Ben Stein called Ron Paul's comments about pulling out of Afghanistan "anti-Semitic." It's just like the Lefty blanket racism charge put on Tea Party protesters or anonymous artist who pin up Obama/Joker posters.

When words lose meaning, articulating ideas becomes impossible and philosophy becomes irrelevant. That's where we're heading.


That has to be stopped.

Talk about corruption and treason. That has to be stopped as well.

I agree, it's not anti-Semitism to say Zionism is wrong and treason against America. It's also not anti-Semitism to talk about Jews.

Look at what Larry David did on the latest episode of Curb your Enthusiasm.

What if another show had someone pee in a menorah or on a dreidel?

Yet, these so-called Christians said nothing. Bow down to a Christ rejecting Jew.:rolleyes:

Not to mention sending them money to build a temple. :crash:

Aha! Now there's some good ol' fashion classic anti-semetic Jew hating bigotry...Will E., you never fail to entertain...



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
America gives Israel billions a year so they can turn around and use those funds to pursecute Palestinians. That's what I hate the most. The people who's country is in existence solely due to the persecution of the Jews does pretty much the same thing to another group.

If America ever told Israel "Settle the dispute with the Palestinians or we won't give you any more money", I can't even imagine how fast the Israelis would run to the negotiating table.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
America gives Israel billions a year so they can turn around and use those funds to pursecute Palestinians. That's what I hate the most. The people who's country is in existence solely due to the persecution of the Jews does pretty much the same thing to another group.

If America ever told Israel "Settle the dispute with the Palestinians or we won't give you any more money", I can't even imagine how fast the Israelis would run to the negotiating table.

I don't let the Palestinians off the hook for their part in the violence that ravages the Middle East... and keeps our pockets empty. But let's be honest, the Israelis say they'll stop building settlements on the West Bank. Now, they're getting set to build even more (illegal) settlements on the West Bank. We (the U.S.) actually paid off a bunch of settlers to abandon their (illegal) houses a few years ago. But here we go again! :mad: To get them to stop, I think they'll jack the U.S. taxpayers up for a few hundred million $. Bet? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller? ;)

I have a "what happens, happens" attitude toward most everything that doesn't concern my nation. As I've said before, if we can help another country, I think we should... IF we have something to spare (which we no longer do!). But I'll be quite honest with you, I see American based radical Zionism as a disease just as bad as radical Islam. One wants actual American blood on the ground (the rad Muslims) and the other just wants to bleed us dry until we're an empty shell (the rad Zionists).

I'm with the Libertarian Party and Pat Buchanan when it comes to foreign aid: the well has run dry, boys & girls. We can't borrow from China to give money to you. Sorry. Wish we could help, but... :dunno:
Someone please tell HELLRAISER that the Neo Cons are not in control of the government at this time and if he doesn't like the current state of affairs lobby his representatives in DC to change it more to his liking.

K thanks.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
^^ Of course, the Palestinians have done things that they can't be forgiven for. If there was no bloodshed, chances are the conflict could be solved. But the Palestinians haven't seen a whole lot of enthusiasm from Israel on the topic, have they? Like you said, they told everyone they would stop building settlements, but now they are building more (Even the US is telling them to stop). Israel is occupying Palestinian lands; not the other way around. There is blood on both countries hands, but as the larger power it is Israel that has to start these talks. How, I can't imagine. I don't know how they would start to make Hamas come to the negotiating table...
Those damn neocons!

No wonder the word con is in neo and the word neo is in con!
Well there is another way to look at it. we give money to these countries so that they can buy arms from us.

"It's just business." -Godfather.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
^^ Of course, the Palestinians have done things that they can't be forgiven for. If there was no bloodshed, chances are the conflict could be solved. But the Palestinians haven't seen a whole lot of enthusiasm from Israel on the topic, have they? Like you said, they told everyone they would stop building settlements, but now they are building more (Even the US is telling them to stop). Israel is occupying Palestinian lands; not the other way around. There is blood on both countries hands, but as the larger power it is Israel that has to start these talks. How, I can't imagine. I don't know how they would start to make Hamas come to the negotiating table...

I don't disagree with you at all: there are issues on both sides that need to be addressed. But when anything comes before the U.N., with regard to Israel, the ONE vote that Israel can always count on is the U.S.'s.

Check this out. If it wasn't so pitiful, it would almost be funny.

U.S. Vetoes of UN Resolutions Critical of Israel

This one is particularly good (bad? funny? tragic? outrageous?)

Middle East: Demands that Israel cease construction of the settlement in east Jerusalem (called Jabal Abu Ghneim by the Palestinians and Har Homa by Israel), as well as all the other Israeli settlement activity in the occupied territories
3/21/1997 Vetoed 13-1 (U.S.)

Like I said, the tail wags the dog. Has for a long time. Will for a LOT longer. BTW, have you heard the rumor? We're fucked. :(